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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2009

6PM             HMLD

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Rick Bates (left 6:49PM), Karl Makela, Robert Beck, David Ellis, Peter Liddy, David White, Brian Forts (arrived 6:32PM), Jack Chandler, George Sherrill

Absent: Mary Ryan

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Clerk of the Works, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Bob Morrell, G&R Construction, Jason Goodwin, G&R Construction, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

Chairman's Comments

The Chairman announced that a pre-construction meeting was held on May 6, 2009. In attendance were Gary Kaczmarek, Chairman Lucchesi, representatives from LPA, KBA, G&R Construction (General Contractor) and the Town Manager. G&R Construction signed the contract.

The Chairman said that Job Site Meetings would occur on Tuesdays at 10AM. Job site meetings will not be required to be posted. All members of the Committee are invited to attend without fear of meeting at quorum.

Mr. Bob Morrell, and Mr. Jason Goodwin with G&R Construction were introduced to the Committee.

Architect's Report

Paul McAndrew, KBA, provided a recap of events since the April 1, 2009 meeting. Representatives of KBA, Dave White, and Gary Kaczmarek met with Sales Represenatives from MassCor to discuss the possibility of purchasing their furniture services/products.

Project Management Report and Update

Mr. Pagano with LPA said that the bid protest against G&R Construction of Massachusetts was withdrawn because the protestor had the wrong G&R Construction (Connecticut).

Mr. Kaczmarek reviewed Building Committee Report #11. The new communications tower is complete and has been switched over. The old tower will be dismantled within one week. All utilities have been switched over. HMLD will remove poles. Water connection was sleeved into the building and a meter has been installed. Plumber will tie into new water line. He said that he was currently reviewing testing lab services proposals and would present a recommendation at the next meeting.

Mr. Pagano said that it was important to develop a construction schedule. G&R anticipates that their first day on site will be June 1, 2009. G&R will present a construction schedule at the May 20, 2009 meeting. The anticipated construction period is 16 months.

Mr. McKeon spoke highly of G&R Construction calling them a "motivated and honorable" firm. KBA worked with G&R on a project at the North Attleboro, MA Police Station. Chief Chandler added that G&R built the Franklin, MA Fire Department. The Town of Franklin was pleased with the final product.

Brian Forts arrived at the meeting at 6:32PM.

Dave Ellis inquired if the drainage pipe that drains in the rear of the property has been taken care of. Mr. Kaczmarek said it would be demolished during the construction process.

The issue of Builder's Risk Insurance was discussed. The Town Manager purchased this type of insurance for the project. However, G&R Construction also carries a similar policy. The two policies are currently being reviewed to determine whether there is a need for two policies or which policy provides better coverage. G&R will reimburse town if it is determined that the Town's policy is better, or the Town may opt to cancel its policy. Mr. Para to follow up with the Town Manager.

New Business

Next meeting: June 3, 2009. The Chairman will notify Committee members if there is a need to meet a second time in May.
Mr. Kaczmarek will set up a walk through at the new Worcester Fire Station so Committee members can observe their new alerting system.
Chairman Lucchesi commented that the Committee would need to discuss Value Engineering items: What is the status on the list of items that were moved to a "maybes" list? These items include funding the purchase of an Oxygen System, Motorola Dispatch Equipment and Telephone System, a review of IT items and a complete review of Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E).
Chairman Lucchesi informed the Committee that he has asked Bob Beck to review the current IT situation with Chief's Sherrill and Chandler.
Chief Sherrill commented that no radios and communication equipment are included in FF&E. The Committee agreed not to spend the entire FF&E budget. KBA has been hired to help the Police and Fire Departments inventory their current and future furniture needs.
The Committee discussed what type of groundbreaking ceremony to hold. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman would coordinate the ceremony through the Town Manager's office. A tentative date of Saturday, June 20th was dicussed. Mr. McKeon with KBA offered to provide light refreshments.

Rick Bates left the meeting at 6:49PM.

Chief Sherrill said that the first half of the communications console unit was purchased with the grant money.
Chairman Lucchesi asked if anyone knows if NSTAR offers a geothermal credit? Mr. Pagano said that LPA would confirm.
In order to improve the invoice signing process, Mr. Makela will set up a folder in the Town Manager's office for signature. Committee members will be emailed and asked to stop by when invoices are ready for signature. Mr. Makela will collect signed invoices on Wednesday's for payment.
Mr. McAndrew informed the Committee that Mr. Ed Moynahan, the Construction Administrator from KBA, would be on site weekly once construction begins. Mr. McAndrew and Mr. Costa will be on site bi-monthly.
Dave White discussed the MassCor visit. In addition to providing durable, low cost furniture for the facility, MassCor will store all furniture purchased from them free of charge until the building is in move-in condition.

Treasury Business

Mr. Makela presented bills for signature and payment.


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE MAY 6, 2009 MEETING AT 7:16PM.